The pain in the coccyx or tailbone - the causes, characteristics, treatment methods

Coccyx is referred to as the lower spine, formed 4-5 rudimentary accrete the vertebrae. Once these vertebrae support the tail in the ancestors of man, and now the coccyx – a rudimentary, useless to the body. However, this rudiment, trauma and various diseases can cause a person serious pain and disadvantages: you can't normal to sit and walk, even for the sleep difficult to find a comfortable position.

Often the patient, even to himself can not determine the precise location of the pain, and complained of a pain doctor in the region of the tailbone (this pain called ano-rectal). The pain itself coccyx is called coccyalgia.

the back pain tailbone

Professionals need to decide if the pain is caused by disease and injury, strictly coccyx, or even pain from other organs (bowels, the pelvic bones, the genito-urinary organs) and you just have to "give", in the coccyx. The solution of this question depends on the treatment.

Causes of pain in the coccyx

  • The consequences of the injury.
  • The disease of the entire spine, touching and tailbone (low back pain, displacement of intervertebral disc, damage to the nerve endings, and others).
  • Diseases of the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor.
  • The pathological process in the bones of the pelvis.
  • The disease direct or sigmoid colon (hemorrhoids, sigmoid colon, proctitis, fissure of the rectum).
  • Loosening of the perineum (e.g., due to childbirth).
  • The trauma of the perineum during childbirth (hemorrhage in the subcutaneous fat, the coccyx).
  • Excessive extension tailbone during the heavy delivery.
  • Rubtsovie the deformation of the anus, arisen as a complication of the surgery.
  • The violation of the activity of the intestine, resulting in frequent constipation or diarrhea, and, in consequence, to the habit of sitting in the toilet.
  • Diseases of the genito-urinary organs (cystitis, adnexite etc).
  • The cyst coccyx.
  • The habit of always sit on the upholstered furniture.
  • Emotional disturbances, stress.
  • Tight clothing (jeans), which provides the pressure on the tailbone.
  • Idiopathic pain (pain of uncertain origin). These pains may suddenly appear and disappear suddenly. About 1/3 of all the pain in the coccyx refers to idiopathic.

Characteristic of the pain in the coccyx in different diseases

The pain of a wound

The trauma most often causes a sharp, acute pain in the coccyx. Injury to tail bone (fracture, contusion, dislocation, offset) may occur during the failure of a fall or collision in the area of the buttock. The pain of a wound may be in the nature of crises, or be permanent. When walking and in a sitting position, it intensifies. The location of the pain post-traumatic stress disorder is varied: at my tailbone or around it (above, below, on the side).

Usually, the pain in the coccyx occur immediately after the injury. But, in some cases, it may be a bit harsh and quickly passing, but in a few years, when the patient has already forgotten about the injury, all of a sudden appear sharp, burning pain.

Pain in the coccyx, combined with pain in the lower back, the rump

Low back pain, cyst of the spine in the lumbar region, or sacral department is characterized by a combination of the pain in the tailbone with pain in the lower back, the rump. At the base of the patient's complaint to the pain in the back, and secondarily the pain "gives" in the coccyx.

Similarly, the clinical picture is celebrated during the attainment of the nerve endings in the lumbar region and sacral departments of the vertebral column. Damage to the sciatic nerve (sciatica), accompanied by a burning, severe pain in the tailbone or above it.

Lumbar and sacral pain accompanied by pain in the coccyx also haemorrhoids, diseases of the rectum.

The pain in my tailbone, and when thou risest up

Such pain rare injury coccyx. Most often they are associated with postoperative scarring in the perineum, or with transients in the pelvic cavity, formed also after the operation.

The pain in the coccyx of the inclination of the

The pain when the slopes are usually the result of chronic inflammatory process of the organs, close to the coccyx (in the intestine or the bladder, the uterus and its annexes).

The pain in my tailbone during the tilt occur if the patient has the following diseases:

  • dysbiosis;
  • colitis;
  • sigmoid;
  • cystitis;
  • annexite;
  • endometritis et al.

The pain that the coccyx

As already mentioned, the pain, the head to the coccyx, are characteristic of the degenerative disease of the disk, cysts of the spine, as well as for hemorrhoids, inflammation in the hips, diseases of the rectum and other this kind of pain can call and the post-operative scars.

The pain in my tailbone when sitting

the back pain tailbone in women

The cause of these pains is the habit of always sit on the upholstered furniture. The coccyx is in a bad position. In the vessels that supply blood to his blood, occur the phenomena stagnant. This leads to deposits of salts in the vertebrae that make up the coccyx, and the onset of pain.

The pain in my tailbone when the seat complain about the athletes, the cyclists and the people doing the riding. For them the cause of the pain of the other: repetitive strain injuries to the coccyx, met during the courses specific to these sports.

The pain in my tailbone when the seat is possible in women after childbirth, when a deformation (excessive extension of his disease of the joints).

Finally, the pain in the coccyx, aggravated by the seat, characterized dermoid cysts tailbone. The cysts dermoïdes is an anomaly of development, consisting in the education of the internal tail bone cavity filled with skin tissue with the growth of the hair.

Aching and drawing pain in the coccyx

A throbbing pain in the coccyx can occur in cases of inflammation of internal genital organs (when the prostatitis or adenoma of the prostate gland in men, and inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes in the woman).

Pulling pain in the coccyx is a symptom additional of the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine and sacral divisions of the spinal column. Sometimes, it occurs along with hemorrhoids, as well as when the debt is sitting on the toilet bowl in connection with the frequent constipation.

Pain in the coccyx

The pain of this kind occur in the lower part of the buds of the crotch, in the presence of post-operative scars in the region of the anus, diseases of the rectum. Characterized by pain in the coccyx and trauma (fracture, contusion, subluxation' tail bone (coccyx), which took place several years ago.

Pain above tailbone

The painful sensations, the localization of the above-tailbone, characterized neuralgias' (inflammation of the nerves exiting the lumbar spine and sacral divisions of the spinal column).

The pain in the coccyx during menstruation

These pains may accompany many of the gynecological and neurological diseases. It would be reasonable to begin the investigation with the consultation of a gynecologist and that by removing the gynecological pathology, to refer to a neurologist.

The pain in the tailbone during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnant women very often appear of the pain in the coccyx. The pain in the tailbone during pregnancy can have several causes:

  • Injury to coccyx, which occurred several years ago and which is not recovered.
  • The lack of calcium in the bone system.
  • The inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs.
  • The physiological changes in the body: during the preparation of the generic activity of the organs in the pelvis to change their normal position. The fruit develops, the uterus increases, the displacement of organs located nearby. The coccyx when it is thrown back. And as the vertebrae of the coccyx is connected to the other, this gap is very painful.

The pain in my tailbone after the birth, say a gynaecologist, that the occurrence of birth trauma: heavy delivery caused bleeding in the soft tissues surrounding the coccyx, or is it past its excessive extension (this may be during the large size of the fetus).

The pain in my tailbone for men

In men, pain in the coccyx can be caused by the so-called "pellentesque disease". This disease occurs when the frequency of the driving unsprung transit (caterpillars, tractors, army tanks, made in armoured vehicle). The load on the coccyx when riding on this technique too much. It can become the cause of the inflammation coccygeal race, or cysts tailbone. This race, or a cyst, is a hollow tube that goes down under the skin of the end of the tail bone, and ending blindly.

Inflammation coccygeal race and is called "pellentesque disease". If the inflammation moves in purulent the stage, most often formed of a fistula – pus breaks out on the outside. Treatment is only surgical.

the back pain tailbone during pregnancy

How to treat pain in the coccyx

A preliminary investigation

For the effective treatment of pain in the tailbone is important to properly adjust the cause. The patient with pain must apply first to the proctologist. This specialist if necessary, the patient (doctor) gynecologist, a neurologist, surgeon, osteopath. Sometimes we need the help of a therapist.

Each of these doctors is not only her patient, but also very detail questions. The patient must be ready to tell in detail about the nature of pain, its location, remember the past injuries and transferred for intervention.

In most patients, with a pain in my tailbone a specific diagnosis could not be established. Then apply a symptomatic treatment, and in most cases it gives good results. Sometimes even the pain in the coccyx spontaneously, without treatment. But we hope that it is not necessary - in case of pains make sure you consult a doctor.

The main aspects of the treatment

In most cases, the pain in the coccyx treat conservative methods (that is to say without surgery). A full treatment includes providing a patient rest, analgesia, drugs, medicinal means, the recovery of blood circulation disorders with the help of a massage, manual therapy, physical therapy, physiotherapy exercises.

All the revealed co-existing conditions that are subjects of processing.

Removal or release of negative emotions apply (after consultation with a psychotherapist) neuropsychotropic drugs.

No aid may not have doctors only when pain in the tailbone in pregnant women. Anti-inflammatory and pain-speakers are contra-indicated. Radiology the diagnosis is also excluded. Therefore, women must bear the pain in the coccyx, by putting under it a soft pillow or inflatable rubber circle in the shape of a bagel (sold in pharmacies).

Sit in a circle, it is recommended not only pregnant women, but to all the patients suffering from pain of this location. This simple device eliminates the workload and pressure on the tail bone during seating, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.

Manual therapy, massage, acupuncture

Pain in the coccyx greatly facilitated with the help of touch massage of the muscles of the rectum and massage the muscles of the pelvic floor (if applicable their spasm).

The receptions of manual therapy, performed by an experienced technician, to improve traffic flow in the neighbourhood of the coccyx, attack the stasis of blood, relieve muscle spasms and help restore range of motion coccyx.

Acupuncture acupuncture is often used for pain in the tailbone, decreasing their intensity. The right choice of digipuncture for acupuncture can completely remove the pain.


Methods of physiotherapy for pain in the coccyx apply:

  • the treatment of ultrasound;
  • laser therapy;
  • UHF;
  • electrotherapy (electrode is inserted in the rectum);
  • diadynamic currents;
  • d'arsonval;
  • the applications of paraffin oil;
  • of the mud;
  • the ozokerite.


Do physical exercise, do morning exercises to the person with pain in the coccyx is not only possible, but necessary. With some limitations: the exercises should be excluded from the running, jumping, walking fast, the inprobus movement, force.

The gymnastics of the pain in the coccyx should include the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back on the floor, bend your knees and away from one another. Put the palms of the hands on the inner sides of the knee. Try to connect the knees, simultaneously compensating the hands of this movement.The number of repetitions – 8-12 times with short intervals (10 to 15 seconds).
  2. In the same position, the grip it between the knees bent the ball (football, volleyball or another of the same size). The palms of the hands put on the belly. With a force to compress the knees of the ball for 5 to 7 seconds all the way to the palms preventing protrusion of the abdomen.The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 times with the same rest intervals, as in the first exercise.
  3. Lying on the back, stuck the ball between the feet corrected foot. With a force to compress the ball of the feet for 5 to 7 seconds. The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 time intervals of 10-15 seconds.
  4. Lying on the back, to dissolve in the parts bent in the knees legs and lift the pelvis for 3-5 seconds. The glutei must make a big effort. The number of repetitions – 6 to 8 time intervals of 10-15 seconds.

All the exercises of the pain in the coccyx, the patient must practice slowly, slowly, rhythmically, resting between the repetitions of exercises. You can turn on the relaxing music. For more effectiveness, it is recommended to do exercises twice a day.

Folk remedies

the back pain coccyx treatment

When the pain in the coccyx, the traditional medicine applies the following tools:

  • The impact of the magnet: magnet ring move in the tailbone, round and round, clockwise, 15 to 20 minutes 2-3 times per day.
  • A compress with the tincture of valerian: a piece of cotton fabric to moisten the pharmacy tincture of valerian, to put on the wound. At the top of the cover with a piece of polyethylene, and then a warm layer (wool, scarf, etc). Set a compresses the plaster and leave overnight.
  • Tree oil to rub into the area, tail bone 3 times per day. Conducive to the lifting of the inflammation and relieves the pain.
  • The lubrication of iodine: in the evening, before bedtime, preheated zone, coccyx, grease the tincture of iodine, and heat wrap it. Repeat no more than 2-3 times per week. Duration of treatment – 1.5-2 months.
  • A poultice made from the blue clay: add 500 gr. the clay teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, mix. Before bed, apply a layer of this mixture on the affected area, cover with polyethylene, to insulate it (as everyone poultice) and leave overnight.
  • The trituration of the juice of radish: mix 300 ml juice of radish, 100 ml of alcohol and 200 ml of honey. Rub it into the wound 3 times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a lid tightly closed.
  • Ointment with mummy (in the fracture of coccyx): 1/2 gr. the mummy mix with such a quantity of rose oil to achieve an ointment consistency of thick cream. Rub it into the area coccyx 2 times per day.